What does a claims management company do?

Person making a claim on laptop

What are claims management companies?

Claims management companies are representative firms that handle compensation claims. They help people make a variety of different claims, deal with paperwork, the details of cost and the communication. Claims management companies act as a middleman between you and the company you’re claiming against. They can help you with just about any claim, such as mis-sold financial services and personal injury claims.

Should you use a claims management company?

Using a claims management company Manchester can be the best option if you’re hoping to claim back money you think is owed to you. They are usually more likely to succeed in winning compensation and achieving settlements due to their experience and resources.

If you’re looking for advice and assistance, most claims companies will be willing to offer advice and help you start the claims process. This is because it is in their best interest to make sure you receive your compensation due to the fee they charge. Therefore, making the process easier for the client.

Claims management companies can help you achieve rapid settlements because they know exactly how to how to file your claim. What usually holds a settlement up is incomplete paperwork, but a claims company will ensure this doesn’t happen. They don’t waste any time moving your complaint forward and organising the necessary paperwork.

Usually claims management companies will offer a “no win, no fee” agreement. This means that if your claim was unsuccessful you won’t need to pay any fees. This eliminates the risk of financial loss if your nervous about the cost of filing a claim.

The main three types of services claim management companies provide:

  1. Advice - Providing clients and policyholders advice regarding their claims.
  2. Representation - They work on behalf of their client to ensure they receive the full amount they’re entitled to.
  3. Claims Investigation - Investigate claims in detail to gather strong and impartial evidence from reliable sources.
Four people signing up to make a claim

How PCP Claimsline can help:

We are a no-win, no-fee guaranteed claims management company in Manchester with years of success helping people seek justice and reclaiming what is rightfully theirs.

Mis-Sold Car Finance

It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of motorists might have been mis sold car finance Manchester packages, costing consumers up to £300m a year. If you've been mis-sold car finance, our team of experts will fight for the compensation you deserve.

Mis-Sold PCP Agreement

You may have been offered a personal contract plan (PCP) or Hire Purchase (HP agreement) if you have taken out finance to buy a car. These plans allow customers to pay monthly instalments on their new or used vehicles. Many of these agreements have been mis-sold by dealerships who failed to explain all your options properly before signing up. We can help you take back control over your finances by claiming back any money owed.

PCP Claimsline – Claims Management Company Manchester


Tel:0333 091 6787


Address:556 Burnley Road,


Monday to Friday 9.00 - 19.00
Saturday/Sunday 11.00 - 17.30
Bank Holidays: CLOSED


© 2025 Claim-Link UK Ltd. All rights reserved

1£5,492.10 is the figure disclosed to Bott & Co Solicitors by Black Horse.

PCPclaimsline.com is a trading style of Claim-Link UK Ltd, registered in England and Wales, Company registration number 03882486. Registered Office: 556 Burnley Road, Rossendale, Lancashire, BB4 8NE. VAT registration number 748 8057 90. Registered with the Information Commissioner's Office; registration number ZA120580. You can find our terms of use, privacy policy and our cookie policy here . Claim-Link UK Ltd is a claims management company. Any solicitor we recommend you to is an independent professional from whom you will receive impartial and confidential advice. You are free to choose another solicitor. Claim-Link UK Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN:313116). Claim-Link UK Ltd is a claims management company and only undertakes marketing activities which comply with Solicitors Regulation Authority Code of Conduct 2011 (in particular, Chapter 8 - Publicity). Regulatory information.